If you pass 2nd examination with condition that you pay loan balance, you have to pay it until bank interview.

1️⃣ Call the loan company.
2️⃣ Ask loan balance and transfer account.
3️⃣ Pay it as soon as.
4️⃣ Get certificate of payment.
certificate of payment = "Kansai shomeisho" is very important document. It is requrement for bank interveiw.
1️⃣ Call the loan company.
If you check back of credit card and loan documents and web site, you will know phone number.
2️⃣ Ask loan balance and transfer account.
Next, please call and ask them about loan balance and transfer account.
3️⃣ Pay it as soon as.
If you know it, please pay it as soon as.
4️⃣ Get certificate of payment.
If you pay it, please call loan company again and tell them to give you certificate of payment, "Kansai shomeisho"
Conversation example
2️⃣ Ask loan balance and transfer account.
You : I want to pay loan balance as soon as. So please tell me about loan balance and transfer account.
They : I understand. Please tell me your information⚠️
⚠️your information
They ask you about name and address, birthday, card number etc. You answer their questions. If so, they will tell you loan balance and transfer account. And, they ask you again.
They : When can you pay it ?
You : It will pay 6/10⚠️
⚠️the date
If they ask the date that you pay, please answer the date that you can pay.
✅ In case, if they tell you,
They : It has a set date that you pay.
If so, please answer like this
You : I will plan to buy a house by housing loan. Bank says, please pay loan balance as soon as. So I must pay it.
If you tell them, they will correspond.
Conversation example in Japanese
2️⃣ Ask loan balance and transfer account.
You : "Ima nokotteiru loan wo suguni zenbu haraitai desu. Nokori no okane to furikomi saki wo oshiete kudasai"
They : " Wakarimashita anata no jyoho wo oshiete kudasai. Oname wo oshiete kudasai...etc "
They : " Haraeru hi wo oshiete kudasai"
You : "6/10 desu"
They : "Shiharai bi ha kimatte imasu."
You : "Ima Jyutaku loan shinsa wo shiteimasu. Ima nokotte iru loan wo harawa naito ikemasen. Nanode, sugu haraitai desu"
Conversation example
4️⃣ Get certificate of payment.
You : I paid loan balance. So please give me " Kansai shomeisho" as soon as.
Conversation example in Japanese
4️⃣ Get certificate of payment.
You : " Ima haraimashita. Moshiwake gozaimasen, narubeku hayaku ⚠️Kansai shomeisho wo kudasai. Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu "
⚠️"Kansai shomeisho" = certificate of payment is very important document. It is requrement for bank interveiw.

In case of not good at Japanese
1️⃣ Call the loan company.
2️⃣ Replace the phone.
1️⃣ Call the loan company.
If you check back of credit card and loan documents and web site, you will know phone number.
2️⃣Replace the phone.
If you don't have confidence in your Japanese, you can replace the phone with someone who understands Japanese. However, you must tell them your information in Japanese before replace the phone.
Conversation example
2️⃣ Replace the phone.
You : I want to pay loan balance as soon as. So please tell loan balance and transfer account. Howver, I am not good at Japanese. So may I replace the phone ?
They : I understnad but, before that, please tell me your information⚠️
⚠️your information
They ask you about name and address, birthday, card number etc. You answer their questions. If so, they will accept to replace the phone with someone who understands Japanese.
Conversation example in Japanese
2️⃣ Replace the phone.
You : "Ima nokotteiru loan wo suguni zenbu haraitai desu. Nokori no okane to furikomi saki wo oshiete kudasai" " Desuga, watashiha nihongo ga nigate desu. Nihongo ga wakaru hito ni kawattemo yoi desuka ? "
They : " Wakarimashita sonomaeni anata no jyoho wo oshiete kudasai. Oname wo oshiete kudasa...etc"
If you pass 2nd examination with condition that you pay loan balance, you have to pay it until bank interview and have to prepare "Kansai shomeisho".
For that, you have to call loan company and talk them in Japanese. So if you have to prepare
"Kansai shomeisho" , please practice Japanese conversation too.
If you will want to do, please ask
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