You have to step by step for owning a house. However it's not difficult. All you have to do is do what to do now. Don't worry about various things.

The most important thing in the process is checking your budget. In case of using a housing loan, you need to know ” how much the bank will lend you a housing loan ? " If you will know it, you can search for houses you like within that budget.

00 Preparation
Just do 1st examination, not thinking various things. Don't have to worry about it
01 Start
Submit requirments fo 2nd examination.
02 How much
Afer 2nd examination, you know how much the bank will lend you.
03 Search
You will know your budget. So you can search the house you like.
04 Contact
You will contact a house you like.
05 Bank meeting
Bank will check all your housing plan.
06 Last meeting
You will receive a house key.
The important point is No.02 ” how much the bank will lend you a housing loan ? " You will know that if 2nd examination is over. So, in order to know No.02, you are going to do you can do about housing loan from now on. Now is not the time to think about a house.

If you will apply 2nd examination, you will know your budget. So you can choose house within your budget. This is Right way. However, if 1st action is only thinking house<not check your budget>, the result is often above content..
So it is better to choose Ridht way.

Housing loan step
1️⃣Examination is 3 times in all.
2️⃣1st is simple but, 2nd is detail.
3️⃣And 1st is OK but, 2nd is often NG.

Above is important points. So now..

Requirements for 2nd
There are many documents for 2nd examination, and I think it will be troublesome " Mendo kusai" to prepare for you. However, it is absolutely necessary to move forward, so don't give up and just do what to do.

As you check it,
There are many documents for 2nd. So 1st,
if possible, please prepare below documents.
Contents A
Documents to be got at City Hall
1️⃣Certificate of Residence ”Jyuminhyo” all family
⚠️List everything except permanent domicile and my number. Foreign nationals must have their status of residence listed.
2️⃣Seal certificate ”Inkan-shomeisho”
⚠️If you don't registered, Pease register at the city hall after making a "Inkan".
3️⃣Income tax certificate
”Shotoku kazei shomeisho" Reiwa 4 and 3 nendo
⚠️If it is not possible to get it, please get
"Hikazei shomeisho" , tax exemption certificate.
Documents to be prepared by yourself
4️⃣Withholding slip
"Gensen choshuhyo" Reiwa 3 nend, 2021
5️⃣ Paysilp for the last 3 months
"Kyuyo meishaisho"
6️⃣ Passbook for salary transfer
Front and back cover and last 3 months items
7️⃣Existing loan ※If you have it, please prepare below documents.
① Borrowing for monthly payments
(Auto loan, Products loan (including keitai), Education loans, etc.)
1. Reqiured documents
・Contract ・Payment schedule
2. Contents check
・Borrower ・Initial borrowing date
・Initial borrowing amounte ・Balance
・Monthly repayment
⚠️You always get them from the company you bought it. If not, it is lost. In that case, please ask and get them again from that company.
② Borrowing by credit card
(shopping (installment payment, revolving payment), cash advance, etc.) ・ Card loan
1. Reqiured documents:Usage statement
2. Contents:
・Borrower ・Card contract date
・Borrowing limit ・Balance
・Monthly repayment
⚠️You always recieve it in monthly invoice paper or app from the card company you used. If not, it is lost or not registered. In that case, please register in the app.
No.7 Existing loan is important factor for 2nd examination. If you have some loan, please prepare above documents.
If you will want to do, please ask
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