2nd examination is important in housing loan examination. However, it takes long time to finish. Becouse there are many inquiries and additional during the examination.

Please note the following in order to proceed with the examination without delay.
1️⃣Please prepare requirements for 2nd as soon as possible for proceeding first.
2️⃣ So If you can't get all of them until next meeting, there is no problem, important to proceed.
3️⃣ Also please adjust schedule as much as possible until the start of 2nd.
4️⃣Please practice Kanji of your current address and company name.

00 Preparation
00-1. 1st examination 5 days - 1 week
01 Start
01-1. Filling out documents
・ It is neccesary to wirte Kanji address by yourself.
01-2. Submitting documents
・ If there are any missing documents, please send them later by bule letter pack.
01-3. Bank check 1 week - 10 days
・ If there are any missing documents, please send them later by bule letter pack.
01-4. Identification
・The bank will call you for identification. There are easy question, name, address, birth day etc.
01-5. Additonal documents
・ Additional documents are often requested. If so, please prepare them as soon as possible.
01-6. 2nd examination start 2 week - 3 week
・ The bank will call you for identification. There are easy question, name, address, birth day etc.
01-7. Identification
・ The bank will call you for identification. There are easy question, name, address, birth day etc.
01-8. Additonal documents
・ Late submission of additional documents will delay 2nd process.
01-9. 2nd examination re-start 1 week - 2 week
01-10. End of 2nd examination
・ If you will apply 2nd, sometimes there are often any conditions.
02 How much
02-1. Budget check
・ Afer 2nd examination, you know how much the bank will lend you.
03 Search
03-1. House thinking start
・ You will know your budget. So you can search the house.
・ Also you can think a house as much as you like.
・ Of course, you can look inside of the house that you like.
03-2. House reservation
・ If you like a house, you can make a reservation to the house owner.
04 Contact
04-1. House reservation 1 week - 10 days between reservation - contract
・ If you have 2nd exmination conditions, you have to clear it until contract day.
05 Bank meeting
05-1. 3nd examination 10 days - 2 weeks between contract - 3rd examination
・ Bank will check all your housing plan.
06 Last meeting
06-1. Last meeting 1 week - 10 days between 3rd examination - last meeting
・ You will receive a house key.
If you will want to do, please ask
facebook messenger m.me/guiadesignoffice
Emai address consult@guiadesign.com
This site www.guiadesign.com/dream
Please feel free to contact us.
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advice that suits your current situation.
Ibaraki Association of Architectural Firms
B5464 0309